Coronaviruses are a group of common viruses that cause infection in the nose, upper throat and sinuses. Most coronaviruses are not dangerous. After the December 2019 outbreak in Wuhan, China, the WHO (World Health Organization) identified COVID-19 as a new kind of coronavirus. The disease has since spread to most parts of the world and in March 2020 the WHO declared the outbreak a pandemic.
COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus and it usually triggers what doctors call respiratory tract infection. The disease can affect the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, and sinuses) or lower respiratory tract (lungs and windpipe), or both. COVID-19 is spread the same way other viruses in its family are spread, primarily through contact with an infected person (person-to-person contact). Severity of the infection ranges from mild to deadly.
COVID-19 belongs to the same group of viruses that cause severe diseases such as SARS (sudden acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome). The other types of coronavirus cause most of the common colds which are not a serious threat to healthy people.
How does COVID-19 spread?
According to studies conducted since the outbreak started, the new coronavirus is mainly spread through respiratory droplets released when an infected person sneezes, talks, or coughs. It can also be spread by touching contaminated surfaces or through person-to-person contact, which is why social distancing is important in curbing the spread.
How did COVID-19 spread to humans?

Although health experts have not yet traced the exact source of the new coronavirus, the initial hypothesis thought the disease was linked to a live animal market in Wuhan, China.
However, a study that was published on Jan 25, 2020 shows that the person with the first reported COVID-19 case had no links to the live animal market and investigations are still ongoing to establish the origin of this new virus and how it’s spread.
What is the Incubation period for the new coronavirus?
Studies show that COVID-19 symptoms show up in people 2 to 14 days after exposure.
What are COVID-19 symptoms?
COVID-19 has an incubation period of 2 to 14 days, which means signs and symptoms of the disease appear within 14 days of exposure. Common signs and symptoms of the new coronavirus include:
- Tiredness
- Fever
- Cough
Early symptoms of coronavirus may also include loss of smell or taste
Other symptoms of COVID-19 include:
- Chest pain
- Headache
- Runny nose
- Chills
- Sore throat
- Muscle aches
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- rash

Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the disease. Children experience similar signs and symptoms to adult patients though they are generally mild.
Severity of coronavirus signs and symptoms range from mild to very severe. Some patients may experience only a few symptoms that don’t require specialized care while others may experience deadly symptoms, such as pneumonia and shortness of breath, about 7 days after symptoms appear.
The risk of serious illness from coronavirus generally increases with age and older folks have a higher risk of experiencing severe symptoms. Moreover, people with compromised immune system and those with pre-existing medical conditions have a higher risk of experiencing serious illness.
Medical conditions that can increase the risk of severe illness from coronavirus include:
- Cancer
- Serious heart conditions, such as cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, or heart failure
- Type 2 diabetes
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- Severe obesity
- Chronic kidney disease
- Weakened immune system from procedures such as solid organ transplant
Other medical conditions may increase the risk of severe illness, such as:
- Liver disease
- Asthma
- Nervous system and brain conditions
- Cystic fibrosis and other chronic lung diseases
- Type 1 diabetes
- Compromised immune system from HIV, bone marrow transplant or some medications
- High blood pressure
It’s essential to note that this list is not all-inclusive and other medical conditions can also increase the risk of serious illness from coronavirus.
When should you see a doctor?
If you have been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19contact your healthcare provider immediately for medical advice. Tell them about possible exposure and your symptoms before going for your appointment.
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Emergency symptoms include:
- Blue face or lips
- Trouble breathing
- Inability to stay awake
- Persistent chest pressure or pain
- Confusion
When seeking medical attention for COVID-19, it’s critical to let your physician know if you have any underlying chronic medical conditions, such as lung disease or heart disease. During this pandemic, it is very important to ensure that quality health care is readily available for people in greatest need.
COVID-19 Complications
Most people who have COVID-19 usually have mild or moderate symptoms. However, the disease can also cause severe complications or even lead to death in some individuals. Complications caused by COVID-19 can include:
- Trouble breathing or pneumonia
- Heart problems
- Acute kidney injury
- Organ failure in multiple organs
- Blood clots
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (a lung condition that limits the supply of oxygen to organs through the bloodstream).
- Additional bacterial and viral infections
There’s no vaccine to prevent coronavirus. However, there are several preventative measures you can take to reduce the risk of infection. CDC and WHO recommend taking the following precautionary measures to avoid COVID-19.
- Avoid mass gathering and large events
- Maintain a physical distance of at least 2 meters or 6 feet with anyone who has symptoms or is sick
- Stay at home whenever possible and maintain the recommended social distance especially if you are at a higher risk of severe illness. Remember, some people who have COVID-19 may not have any symptoms but they can still spread it to others.
- Wash your hands regularly with water and soap for at least 20 seconds. If you prefer using a hand sanitizer, use one that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Wear a face mask when in public places, such as the supermarket, it is difficult to adhere to the recommended physical distancing guidelines.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your elbow when you sneeze or cough and throw away the tissue. Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands immediately.
- Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
- Avoid sharing house hold items such as towels, beddings, dishes or glasses if you’re sick.
- Stay home from public areas, school and work if you’re sick, unless you are going to seek medical care.
- Clean and disinfect common-touch surfaces such as counter tops, electronics, doorknobs and light switches, daily.
- If you’re sick, avoid taxis, public transportation and ride sharing.
A strong immune system is also important when it comes to warding off the flu, seasonal colds, as well as COVID-19.
Tips on how to Improve General Immune System Health
Reduce stress
This period of lockdowns and economic strain is stressful for us all. However, it’s essential to understand that stress increases the risk of infections such as colds and flu by suppressing the immune response. Reducing your stress improves the immune system’s ability to ward off infections, hence lowering your risk for illness. Some of the scientifically proven stress reducers include infrared sauna therapy, deep breathing, massage and exercise, such as jogging, walking and yoga. Infrared sauna therapy reduces stress by reducing post-exercise cortisol, which mitigates immune suppression caused by stress.
Improve sleep
Studies show that deep sleep builds the antiviral immune system, so it’s important to increase deep sleep especially during winter months. During winter, sunlight is dimmer and the days are shorter, and this could easily throw off your sleep schedule. Most people hardly notice it because they still sleep and go to work on the same schedule. However, they may experience more frequent colds, fatigue, and changes in mood partly because they’re not actually sleeping as deeply. The steep drop in your body temperature cues your body to sleep. Therefore, using an infrared sauna in the evening helps you relax and also raises your core body temperature before allowing it to drop naturally, thus improving sleep quality.
Adhere to a healthy diet
Eating well is one of the best defenses against diseases. Choose healthy fats, fresh vegetables and fruits, and beverages such as green tea and water. Avoid sugary drinks and snack foods because they are filled with calories and fat and have very little nutritional value. Even with a healthy diet, some health conditions may impair the body’s ability to absorb these nutrients.
Consult your nutritionist to determine whether it’s necessary to take supplements that will help your body fight infections. Some of the most common dietary supplements include zinc, vitamin C, Echinacea, and goldenseal. According to the CDC, a healthy diet can help ward off infections such as colds, flu, and even COVID-19.
Frequent infrared sauna therapy.
Infrared sauna therapy stimulates your circulatory systems causing your blood vessels to dilate as the heart beats faster. This effect cleanses the circulatory system allowing it to supply more fully oxygenated blood to the body’s cells. Moreover, better circulation stimulates the body to get rid of toxins through sweating as the body’s core temperature rises. Raising the body’s core temperature strengthens the immune system and aids in muscle recovery.
Studies show that increasing the core body temperature through regular infrared sauna uses provides numerous benefits, including T-cell and white blood cell production to fight viruses. An Australian study found that people who regularly use infrared saunas have fewer episodes of colds than people who don’t.
Although there’s no treatment for COVID-19, improving your immune system, washing your hands regularly, trying not to touch your nose, eyes, and mouth, and avoiding people who have flu-like symptoms are some of the best ways to avoid COVID-19 as well as other illnesses.