Comparison of Infrared Sauna vs Traditional

infrared sauna vs traditional sauna

In the world of health and fitness, there are many options to choose from to improve your overall wellness. One such option is using a sauna. In this article, we would like to give an overview of using an Infrared sauna vs and traditional sauna. Both have their unique benefits, making it difficult to decide which is the best choice for you. In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between infrared saunas and traditional saunas so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you

What is a Sauna?

health benefits infrared sauna

Before we dive into the differences between infrared saunas and traditional saunas, let’s first take a look at what a sauna is. A sauna is a room or cabinet heated to high temperatures to create an environment that promotes sweating. This sweat can help detoxify the body by releasing toxins from the skin.

What is an Infrared Sauna?

An infrared sauna uses heat lamps that emit wavelengths of light. This technology can penetrate several inches into the body to warm blood vessels and tissues. When these areas are warmed, they release endorphins which help promote feelings of relaxation and reduce tension in muscles while also boosting circulation throughout your body.

What is a traditional sauna?

A traditional sauna uses heaters to produce steam. This type of sauna heats the air, which then heats your body. The high temperatures in a traditional sauna can cause you to sweat more than in an infrared sauna. However, it can be challenging to breathe in a traditional sauna because the air is heated, making it uncomfortable for some people.

What are the Differences?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what both an infrared sauna and a traditional sauna are, let’s look at some of the key differences between them.

  • Time: Traditional saunas can take longer to produce results because you are sitting in a heated room with hot air. There is typically less time needed to complete the same benefits as using a traditional sauna in an infrared sauna. This is because infrared light penetrates deeper into your body and heats blood vessels and tissues more quickly – resulting in sweating sooner rather than later.
  • Temperature: The temperature in a traditional sauna is typically much higher than that of an infrared sauna. This can be a pro or con, depending on your preferences. A high temperature in a traditional sauna can help you sweat more and detoxify your body faster, while an infrared sauna’s lower temperatures may be more comfortable for some people.
  • Cost: Traditional saunas can be much cheaper upfront than purchasing an infrared unit for use at home or even renting one from a spa center occasionally. However, when considering how often you will need or want to use it over several years of ownership, owning an infrared unit might end up being cheaper overall since they heat up faster and do not require heating the entire room.
  • Heat: One of the key differences between an infrared sauna and a traditional sauna is that infrared saunas use heat lamps to emit light, while traditional saunas rely on heated air. This means that you will feel hotter in a traditional sauna because all of the heat is coming from the air, whereas in an infrared sauna, some of the heat is being emitted directly onto your skin. If you don’t enjoy feeling too hot when sweating out toxins, then opting for an infrared sauna may be a better choice for you.

Who Should Get a Traditional Sauna?

While infrared saunas are great for many people, they may not be the best fit for everyone. Some of the key groups that would likely benefit more from a traditional sauna include:

Those with respiratory conditions or lung problems

Because traditional saunas heat your entire room instead of just emitting wavelengths of light onto you, it can be easier to breathe in this type of environment. This is especially helpful if you have any lung condition or breathing issue that could flare up when exposed to high humidity and hot air levels.

Anyone looking for an intense detoxification session

Traditional saunas are excellent at inducing heavy sweating, which means toxins will exit your body faster than using an infrared unit where sweat typically does not pour off your body as profusely. If you are looking to detoxify your body quickly and thoroughly, then using a traditional sauna may be the better option for you.


Traditional saunas can help increase blood flow and reduce inflammation in muscles post-workout. This can speed up recovery time and help athletes feel less sore after a tough training session.

Who Should Get An Infrared Sauna?

On the other hand, some people would likely benefit more from an infrared sauna than a traditional one. These groups include:

Those with chronic pain conditions

Infrared light has been shown to help relieve pain symptoms caused by conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines. This can significantly reduce the number of pain medications you need to take when using an infrared sauna because it alleviates your symptoms rather than just masking them with drugs.

Anyone who prefers a lower temperature

infrared sauna vs traditional sauna

If you struggle to feel too hot in traditional saunas or have overheating issues, opting for an infrared model may better suit you. This is because they emit wavelengths of light instead of heating the entire room. It also means that there will typically be less humidity in this environment, making it easier to breathe and not feel as overwhelmed by high temperatures.

People who just want to relax

Infrared saunas do not heat the entire room and can be a more soothing and relaxing environment than traditional ones. If you are someone with high blood pressure or uncomfortable in super-hot environments, opting for an infrared sauna may give you a better overall experience.


Now that you have a better understanding of the key differences between infrared saunas and traditional saunas, you can make an informed decision about which is right for you! Both options offer a variety of benefits, so it comes down to what is most important to you and what you hope to achieve from your sauna experience.

Learn about how to fight COVID 19 by using a sauna HERE!

Infrared sauna benefits

Is It Safe To Use An Infrared Sauna Every Day?

Can I use an infrared sauna everyday

Safety, health, and wellness are the main driving forces behind the immense popularity of infrared sauna therapy. However, some people are concerned about the frequency of using infrared saunas and session durations. While there are numerous health benefits of using infrared saunas, there are some important things that should be taken into consideration before using them.

Establish a threshold of endurance

Introducing a new substance or activity into your body should be done in gradual increments. Infrared sauna sessions should be spread apart and shorter at the beginning as your body adapts to the rays and heat of the infrared spectrum. To maximize the benefits and avoid any potential problems, you should allow a day of rest between sessions for the first 3 weeks.

Infrared saunas use invisible rays to penetrate deep into the skin and heat up the body from the inside out. This can be deceiving because the temperature inside infrared saunas is not as high as traditional dry saunas. Despite the significantly lower external temperature, the invisible infrared light penetrates the epidermis to induce profuse sweating. Therefore the rate of perspiration is much higher with infrared saunas than with traditional dry saunas or steam baths. Give your body time to adapt to the heat and pay keen attention to how your body is reacting.

Listen to your body

Is it safe to use an infrared sauna everyday

After 3 weeks of undergoing infrared sauna therapy every other day, you’ll be able to adjust the frequency of use according to your specific needs. Once you’ve completed the introductory period, more frequent use of the infrared sauna is important to make the most out of your body’s response to the heat. Just like any medical treatment or exercise program, commitment and ritualized routine will augment the health benefits of undergoing infrared sauna therapy.

Routine use supported by electrolyte replenishment and increased hydration

Consistency is vital when it comes to maximizing the health benefits you can reap from infrared sauna therapy. During the initial 3-week adaptation period, the body gradually adapts to the infrared heat and you can increase the frequency of sessions while decreasing the periods of rest between sauna sessions. You can develop a committed routine effortlessly mainly because infrared sauna sessions are both relaxing and pleasurable.

If you didn’t experience any negative side effects during the 3-week introductory period, you can set a goal to undergo infrared sauna therapy every day for 30 to 60 minutes per session. However, it’s very important to ensure optimal hydration throughout the day (both before and after sessions).

Set aside a day of rest for absorption and adaptation

It is recommended that you take a day of rest at least every 7 to 10 days of daily sauna use to allow the body to fully incorporate all the changes that have been occurring. As you gradually increase the frequency of sessions, it’s still important to give your body’s physiological network time to seek equilibrium. A break from the heavy perspiration allows your body’s network to fully assimilate the transformative effects of infrared sauna therapy.

Preparation through proper hydration

Preparing your body for the experience of a sauna starts with proper hydration. An infrared sauna session is a detoxification protocol that induces profuse sweating and hence demands proper hydration before and after the session. In fact, experts recommend that hydration begins several days prior to going for the session.

If you are engaged in regular sauna use, you should consume at least 3 quarts of water per day. While the method of using infrared wavelengths is far more effective in detoxification, it can easily cause detoxification especially if you are not properly hydrated before going into the sauna.

Filtered tap water, mineral water, or bottled spring water will hydrate the body adequately before and after your infrared sauna session. Always refuel your body with mineral water or electrolytes after each sauna session regardless of the amount of sweat your body produces during a sauna session.

The bottom-line. Is it safe to use an infrared sauna every day?

Always pay keen attention to how your body responds to any new substance you introduce or activity you engage in. Your body will tell you whether to take a rest or increase the frequency of using an infrared sauna.

Experts who recommend taking two sauna sessions per day (one in the morning just after waking up and one in the evening before bed) also advise users to reduce the duration of each session to about 15 to 20 minutes. However, you should not exceed two 20-minute sessions per day. Infrared saunas are a blessing particularly in this age of drug-resistant infections and toxic exposure.

Can you help treat COVID-19 with Infrared Sauna Therapy? Read more HERE!

Is it safe to use a sauna everyday

What is an Infrared Sauna?

what is an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna, also known as a far-infrared sauna is a sauna that uses light to produce heat which in turn warms the body. Unlike traditional saunas that use heat to warm the air, infrared saunas heat the body without warming the air around it.

One of the main appeals of a sauna is that it elicits reactions similar to those caused by moderate exercise, including increased heart rate and vigorous sweating. Infrared saunas produce these results at significantly lower temperatures compared to regular saunas. This makes infrared saunas accessible and convenient for people who cannot tolerate the heat of regular saunas.

Can Infrared Sauna help disease?

Numerous studies have looked at the use of infrared saunas particularly in the treatment of various chronic health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, cancer, type 2 diabetes, dementia, headache, and Alzheimer’s disease, and found some tangible evidence of benefit. Still, more rigorous and larger studies should be conducted to confirm these results. However, researchers have not found any adverse effects with infrared saunas.

How does an infrared sauna work?

what are the benefits os an infrared sauna

For many people, the mention of saunas conjures memories of claustrophobic, unpleasant, and hot spaces. While this might be true for regular or traditional saunas, infrared saunas are revolutionizing the experience providing an enjoyable way to get numerous health benefits. IST (infrared sauna therapy) can be a great addition to your self-care routine especially when you are unable to work out. 

Infrared heat raises body temperature directly with infrared heat. They create a relaxing and warm environment at temperatures ranging between 100ºF to 130ºF, and the heat penetrates the body directly to raise its core temperature gently.

They mimic a natural sequence that is typically triggered by exercise or activity, and it helps detoxify the body through the process of sweating. Far infrared rays are easily absorbed by the body, stimulating the immune, lymphatic and cardiovascular systems and also help get rid of toxins without the harmful waves that come along with natural rays of the sun.

Guide on how to use an infrared sauna

While using an infrared sauna can provide numerous health benefits, it’s important to understand usage guidelines such as infrared sauna time limits as well as other tips for your session.

  • Warm up the sauna

For infrared saunas, the recommended temperature ranges between 100 and 140 degrees. For beginners, especially people who aren’t in good health, they may want to start at 100ºF or less. This allows the body to get used to the heat.

You can get in the sauna 10 to 15 minutes after turning it on. Once the temperature is up to your target range, you’ll be enjoying the effects of direct infrared heat.

  • Stay hydrated

In addition to drinking water before you get in an infrared sauna, you can also bring some water with you. This is one of the most important steps as the body will sweat and lose water as well as toxins in the process. Sports electrolyte drinks or coconut water are other good drinks you can take into the infrared sauna with you.

  • Bring a towel
portable infrared sauna benefits

You’ll need a small towel to wipe down the sweat and another one to sit on in the sauna. Your body will be sweating as it rid of heavy metals and other toxins, and you don’t want the floor or sauna bench to be drenched in these.

  • Wear a minimum of clothes or don’t wear clothing at all, if possible

When your skin is covered in clothes, your body does not cool off effectively because evaporation of sweat on the skin is at the absolute minimum. In addition to your body overheating quickly, you’ll also lose the benefits of constantly wiping away the toxin-loaded sweat. Wiping away the toxin-loaded sweat prevents reabsorption of toxins by ensuring that the toxins don’t remain in contact with the skin.

  • Relax, socialize, reflect, read a book, or listen to music

You should use your time in the infrared sauna to relax and reflect on the day. Rest your mind and eyes or meditate.


Infrared waves are all around us and are also emitted by our bodies. These waves are essential for life on earth including human life. Infrared rays used in infrared sauna therapy have the same wavelength as the waves emitted by the human body. Therefore, these rays are safe that one of the most commonly used has been in incubators for preemie babies. The application of infrared heat in treating premature babies speaks to the degree of safety of IST as well as its healing benefits.

Read how infrared saunas can help with COVID – 19 HERE!

can infrared saunas help cancer